TRAINING (2.4.1)
Mitglied der SCNAT

Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (SGK) und ihre Sektion für Kristallwachstum und Materialforschung ist ein gemeinsames Forum von Kristallographen, Chemikern, Festkörperphysikern und Mineralogen für einen wissenschaftlichen interdisziplinären Gedankenaustausch.mehr

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Erice crystallography school 2024

Next year's Erice crystallography school will focus on powder diffraction

Erice crystallography 2024

Running under the title "Powder Diffraction: Advancing Real Materials in the Information Era" the school aims to provide basic good practices for powder diffraction, as well as provide insight in current and future of the technique, such as combining techniques, and use of artificial intelligence.

With its over twenty lecturers and tutors, students will dive into theory and practicals of cata collection, data processing, data interpretation and tackling challening samples. Also, there will be a lot of time to engage with lecturers and other students during coffee breaks, excursions, and evening evenets.

The school will take place in Erice, Sicily, from 31 May - 8 June 2024.

Application deadline is 30.11., so check the website for further details, because the number of applicants is unfortunatelly limited.
